March 2021

March is here and spring is just around the corner. With spring comes a sense of renewed energy. At Orchard Health Foods, we continue to work hard to make your shopping experience the best that it can be. In keeping with the spring theme, we have a whole bunch of new...

Eat Your Greens! – March Health Food Blog

Ever wonder why your mother would say things like … “sweet child of mine, eat your greens”!  There is a myriad of research to support the benefits greens provide to our bodies. Just look at this graphic produced by the writers of Live Life as a quick...

February 2021

Here we are and it’s February, a little more than a month into the latest lockdown. With daily COVID-19 case numbers trending down, it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel.Our store remains OPEN for business during the lockdown. You can come in and...